
Girls Challenging the Gender Rules: Benin, Togo, and Uganda…

All 37 cohort girls have shown resistance to gendered norms that determine what is expected of them as girls in their contexts.
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Girls Challenging the Gender Rules: Cambodia, the Philippines…

All 46 cohort girls across Vietnam, Cambodia and Philippines are challenging expectations of girls in their communities.
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Girls Challenging the Gender Rules: Brazil, Dominican Republic,…

All 35 Cohort girls across Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador are challenging expectations of girls in their communities. Find out how!
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Girls Challenging the Gender Rules (2019)

In this Synthesis Report, we summarise findings from across a set of three regional reports, which were compiled in 2019.
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Regional Update: Africa (2022)

This report gives unique insights into what it means to grow up as a girl in Benin, Togo and Uganda.
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Regional Update: Asia (2022)

This report gives unique insights into what it means to grow up as a girl in Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam.
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Regional Update: Latin America (2022)

This report gives unique insights into what it means to grow up as a girl in Brazil, Dominican Republic, and El Salvador.
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World Hunger and its Impact on Girls (2019)

This brief investigates the effect hunger crisis has on girls and young women whose experiences often go unacknowledged and unaddressed.
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SRHR in Adolescence (2022)

As the Real Choices, Real Lives cohort girls enter later adolescence, gendered expectations become more pronounced – particularly in relation to girls’ SRHR.
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Our Voices, Our Future: Zimbabwe

Understanding child marriage in food-insecure communities in Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe.
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Fear of Violence Among Girls and Young Women in Bangladesh

This national-level cross-sectional study explores fear of violence among women and girls, and patterns of violence in Bangladesh.
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Learning from CSE Operational Research in Three Countries

This operational research study distils lessons from CSE programming in El Salvador, Laos and Zimbabwe. How can we take high-level recommendations and adapt them in varied and challenging contexts,…
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