
COP27: Policy and Advocacy Brief

This policy and advocacy brief sets out Plan International's calls to action for parties at COP.
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From the Frontlines

This brief examines the impact of loss and damage caused by climate change through an intersectional, youth-centred, gender-equality lens.
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Girls’ Rights and the Global Hunger Crisis

This report highlights the value of a rights-based approach to responding to food crises and ending hunger, focussing on girls' rights.
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Realising every girl’s right to flourish

A review of progress towards girls' rights and gender equality on the 10th anniversary of International Day of the Girl.
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Child Protection and Food Security

Evidence shows that food insecurity negatively impacts children’s protection and well-being across humanitarian contexts.
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State of the World’s Girls 2022: Equal Power Now

Hear from 29,000 girls and young women from 29 countries as they navigate the political landscape.
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The right to decide

This case study details a project addressing the sexual and reproductive health and rights needs of adolescent girls in West Nile, Uganda.
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Education Investments in Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa…

Plan International in Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa commissioned a study to assess the extent to which the Education Sector budget is adequate, gender-responsive and inclusive.
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Gender Transformative Change in Emergencies

Plan International’s Global Disaster Risk Management Technical Team's FAQs for Gender Transformative Change in Emergencies.
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OPENPlan: August 2022

This edition of OPENPlan brings to you an interesting and varied selection of recently published research and evaluation reports conducted by offices from across Plan International.
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Young People and Green Skills

Young people are concerned by the climate crisis but feel ill-equipped for jobs that will pave the way for a sustainable future.
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Urban Research Series: Tackling Urban Fragility

This report gives an overview of the theory of change in our Safe and Inclusive Cities programme in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda.
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