Beyond Hunger: the gendered impact of the global hunger crisis
This report presents new evidence on the gendered impacts of the current global hunger crisis from eight of the countries most affected.
The causes and consequences of food insecurity are closely entwined with gender – the most food insecure countries are also the most unequal.
Gender inequality plays a role in how food is produced and consumed, shapes the strategies people employ to cope, and influences the manifold impacts of hunger and food insecurity on the protection and wellbeing of those affected.
This report presents new evidence on the gendered impacts of the current global hunger crisis from eight of the countries most affected: Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Haiti. It draws on, and synthesises, data from recent Rapid Gender Analyses (RGAs) conducted by Plan International and its partners.
Full Report (English)
4.11 mb
Executive Summary (English)
403.71 kb
Full Report (French)
4.16 mb
Executive Summary (French)
428.11 kb
Full report (Spanish)
4.23 mb
Executive Summary (Spanish)
450.35 kb