Plan International Worldwide Annual Review 2023

This annual review is a summary of our global impact for children, particularly girls, in 2023.

Our global strategy to 2027 aims to support All Girls Standing Strong Creating Global Change. We aim to improve the lives of 200 million girls in the next five years. We’ll do that by focusing our work where it will have the greatest IMPACT. We will encourage girls to be involved politically, to ACTIVATE their demands for social justice and gender equality. By amplifying young voices, we will help to make the message LOUDER. And we will attract partners, donors and sponsors by emphasising the URGENCY, the need for their COLLABORATION and SUPPORT.

We will work to create a world where all girls know and exercise their rights and live the life they choose, until we are all equal!

2023 in numbers

We worked in over

80 countries

We reached

22.2 million girls

We reported

308 influencing successes

Portrait of Hiqmat

“To truly uplift the next generation, we must
focus on education, skill development, and economic empowerment.”

Hiqmat, Ghana

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