
Adolescent Girls in Crisis: the Venezuelan migration

This report presents the experiences, voices, challenges and opportunities of Venezuelan refugee and migrant girls and adolescent girls in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, from a feminist, intersectional…
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Children’s Climate Cards

These children’s climate cards provide a series of inspiring and interactive activities to engage children on the climate change agenda and call for climate action.
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Protection in Humanitarian Action

These minimum standards are aimed at those working in child protection or related areas of humanitarian action. This revision has the input of over 1,900 individuals in 85 countries. 
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Time to Act – Let’s Go Digital!

Using digital technology to end child, early and forced marriage and reduce adolescent pregnancy.
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Halting Lives 2

In their own voice: girls and young women on the impact of COVID-19.
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Mobile Child Protection Programming Guide

Guidance for child protection technical specialists, child protection programme managers, mobile field team members, and other DRM technical advisors considering employing a mobile approach…
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Plan International Worldwide Annual Reviews 2010 – 2022…

Plan International's historical Annual Reviews and combined financial statements.
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The African Continental Free Trade Area: Implications on cross-border…

This report examines the effect of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) on cross-border issues affecting children.
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Adolescent Girls in Cameroon on Conflict and COVID-19

Adolescent Girls in North West South West Cameroon on Conflict and COVID-19
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Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action…

The Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action offers a strong global commitment to addressing child labour in humanitarian action.
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Economic Empowerment in the World of Work

This paper sets out Plan International's policy position on economic empowerment in the world of work, with a focus on youth, especially girls and young and women.
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Speak Out – Be Protected

Your guide to reporting all forms of violence against children.
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