
World Hunger and its Impact on Girls (2019)

This brief investigates the effect hunger crisis has on girls and young women whose experiences often go unacknowledged and unaddressed.
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SRHR in Adolescence (2022)

As the Real Choices, Real Lives cohort girls enter later adolescence, gendered expectations become more pronounced – particularly in relation to girls’ SRHR.
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Our Voices, Our Future: Zimbabwe

Understanding child marriage in food-insecure communities in Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe.
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Fear of Violence Among Girls and Young Women in Bangladesh

This national-level cross-sectional study explores fear of violence among women and girls, and patterns of violence in Bangladesh.
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Learning from CSE Operational Research in Three Countries

This operational research study distils lessons from CSE programming in El Salvador, Laos and Zimbabwe. How can we take high-level recommendations and adapt them in varied and challenging contexts,…
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Urban Research Series: Cities and Fragility

The second brief in the Urban Research Series details how Plan International uses gender-transformative programming to tackle urban violence and empower youth in cities.
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Urban Research Series

The Urban Research Series is intended as the basis of ongoing analysis and learning from Plan International’s extensive urban programming and influencing activities.
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Through the Eyes of a Girl: Children’s Lives Impacted…

In this booklet, you can learn more about Plan International's response to the Ukraine crisis in March 2022.
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Adolescent Girls in the Climate Crisis: Voices from Zambia and…

This report details the key findings from the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) on how climate change impacts on adolescent girls’ and young women’s access to education in Zambia…
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Policy Position: Localisation of Humanitarian Action

Why and how Plan International works with local actors, in humanitarian contexts, including youth led organisations and those focused on girls’ and young women’s rights.
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Our Voices, Our Future

This study aims to understand the risks, drivers, and consequences of child marriage among adolescent girls in four provinces in BARMM.
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Disruptive Roles in Gender Lens Investing in Kenya

This research provides an in-depth assessment of the gender lens investing market in Kenya.
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