Case Studies

Woman struggles to provide for family amid food crisis

Fostina from Zambia describes the daily struggle she faces to provide food for her family in the face of drought and unpredictable rainfall.
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Skills to succeed for India’s young women

An innovative training programme is helping thousands of young women from Delhi’s slums to get good jobs, break down preconceptions of what women can do,and become financially independent.…
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Why FGM should be abolished

Activists and survivors speak out against female genital mutilation (FGM).
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Smart schools bridge digital gender divide in Latin America

Girls are challenging the stereotype that technology is ‘for boys’ by learning digital skills in ‘classrooms of the future.’
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5 ways global girls are tackling harassment

Catcalling is not a compliment. It’s not harmless - it’s harassment. Here are some of the creative ways girls across the globe are finding to tackle street harassment.
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5 ways climate change is disrupting girls’ lives

These stories show how the inequalities experienced by marginalised girls and young women are amplified by the impacts of climate change.
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4 demands from girls on their sexual and reproductive rights…

Girls and young women have grown tired of patriarchal control of female sexuality and are demanding a say in discussions on their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
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Ruby: “Stop showing us as weak and powerless.”

Eighteen-year-old Ruby wants to become a lawyer. She won't let stereotypical representation of girls and women in Bollywood stop her achieving that dream.
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Girls in Nepal are demanding radio airtime

After taking over her community radio station to mark International Day of the Girl, Neetika now wants to see an end to discrimination against girls.
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Chaguinha: football coach, girls’ rights ally and LGBTIQ+…

Chaguinha is a football trainer, girl’s rights ally, LGBTIQ+ advocate, and role model to girls across his Brazilian community.
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Radha escaped child marriage. Now she’s a girls’…

At 14 years old Radha escaped from a child marriage. Now, at 24, she is continuing the fight for girls' rights.  
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The changing face of fatherhood in the Middle East

Adnan and Abu are changing the face of fatherhood and smashing gender norms in Lebanon.
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