
The world must wake up to hidden refugee crises

Stephen Omollo, CEO, and Enzo Mauro Tabet Cruz, Forced Displacement Advisor discuss the hidden refugee crises that affect girls' lives.
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Cash helps girls rebuild their lives

We have scaled up our cash and voucher assistance programming to respond to the growing hunger crisis.
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Protection of children must be priority in war and conflict…

Global Humanitarian Director Dr Unni Krishnan implores donors to commit resources to address child protection and support in war and conflict settings.
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“I am afraid of the unpredictable future we are facing.”…

Emergency Response Coordinator, Alaa Abusifian, shares what life is like for those trying to survive in Sudan, a country torn apart by violence.
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Ukraine war exacerbates vulnerability of girls and women

How we're working with partners to prioritise the specific challenges facing girls, young women, and youth in all their diversity.
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Getting Ukraine’s children back to school must be a priority…

Children face becoming a lost generation if we don't get them back in school, blogs Sven Coppens, Ukraine Humanitarian Response Director.
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Girls must be digital leaders!

Girls are taking opportunities to become digital creators and learn skills that will allow them to flourish.
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10 ways to respond after an earthquake  

Addressing these 10 steps early in earthquake response and recovery can minimise harm to vulnerable groups, blogs Dr Unni Krishnan.
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Governments must prioritise education in emergencies 

There are 222 million children and adolescents globally – more than half of these girls - who are affected by the horrors of war, disaster and displacement, who urgently require education…
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Plan International is pleasure positive!

Having endorsed the Pleasure Principles, we are testing how to implement sex-positive SRHR approaches across varied contexts.
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On International Day of Education, we must prioritise girls…

Millions of girls living through humanitarian crises are being deprived of their right to go to school. We must fund education for girls in crisis, blog Plan International CEO Stephen Omollo…
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Partners provide lifesaving services to GBV survivors in Ukraine  …

A partner-led response is at the heart of our work across the Ukraine refugee crisis.
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