
UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issues…

Today's IPCC report highlights the stark reality of the climate emergency, but it comes as no surprise.
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Donors fall short of education funding target

Developing countries step up to fund girls’ education at global summit, while donors fall short of target.
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82% of young people don’t know how their government is tackling…

In a new survey released today, young people have told us clearly that they are fearful for their future and want to shape the policies and decisions that will define them.
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Bold commitments to adolescent girls at Generation Equality…

Plan International is proud to have made a set of 30 commitments across all six Action Coalitions at the Generation Equality Forum today. 
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Girl activists meet with Facebook platforms to tackle online…

Facebook has invited girl activists to share ideas for creative campaigns raising awareness of how to report abuse, as part of ongoing efforts to tackle online-gender based violence.
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Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter pledge to tackle online abuse…

Plan International welcomes commitments announced by Facebook, Google, TikTok and Twitter at the UN Generation Equality Forum to tackle online abuse.
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HINGO Forum deeply shocked over killing of MSF aid workers

Ethiopia Humanitarian International NGO Forum* (HINGO Forum) deeply shocked over the killing of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) aid workers.
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Lessons from Sri Lanka

How we are learning from the mistakes we made when closing our Sri Lanka operations in 2019. By Gunvor Kronman, Chair, Plan International
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Adolescent Venezuelan girls feel unsafe in Colombia, Ecuador…

For World Refugee Day, Plan International launches a research study on the situation of refugee and migrant girls and adolescents from Venezuela, living in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 
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South Sudan crisis forces girls out of school

Around 76% of primary school aged girls in South Sudan are not receiving an education because of the conflict and food crisis in the country. Their futures and safety are at risk as a result.…
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G7 leaders must fund ambitious girls’ education targets…

We welcome the Girls’ Education Declaration endorsed on Sunday but remain concerned that financial commitments do not go far enough to address the massive financing gap facing the education…
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Digital solutions key to ending child marriage in Asia

Digital tech could be the key to ending child marriage by 2030, according to new research conducted by Plan International in the Asia-Pacific region.
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