
We must act now for the 811 million people struggling to find…

If the world doesn’t pay attention, the 811 million people struggling to find food in the world’s hungriest places will become a forgotten statistic.
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School sheltering civilians attacked in Luhansk, Ukraine

Plan International condemns in the strongest terms the latest reported attack on a school sheltering civilians including children in Luhansk region of Ukraine.
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Global donors urged to act now as 14 million in Kenya, Somalia…

Ahead of a high-level roundtable on the Horn of Africa Drought in Geneva, Plan International has joined 53 NGOs in calling on donors to act urgently to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.
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Stand up for children, especially girls, impacted by conflict…

There is a rapidly deteriorating situation for children and families stranded in areas with a lack of safe exit routes, who face a daily challenge for survival.
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Urgent need for psychosocial support as child refugees bear…

Children who have fled the conflict in Ukraine are frequently showing signs of emotional distress, from struggling to speak to constant crying, according to testimonials.
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Ukraine crisis will have catastrophic effect on global hunger…

We must ensure the global hunger crisis is not further aggravated - particularly in the 20 hunger hotspots.
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Attacks on children in Ukraine must stop, with safe passage…

The humanitarian crisis faced by children caught up in the Ukraine conflict is multiplying by the hour and children are at risk.
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IPCC report lays bare scale of climate injustice

The report released today by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows how those who have contributed least to the climate emergency will be most affected by its consequences.…
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Children’s lives and wellbeing at risk in Ukraine

We are deeply concerned by the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine which is putting the lives and wellbeing of children at risk.
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Girls at risk in Horn of Africa as drought crisis continues

Girls are at risk of sexual exploitation, child marriage and other rights violations as communities across the Horn of Africa face one of the most severe droughts in more than 30 years.
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Children of Ukraine have right to live in peace

Plan International is joining calls for a diplomatic solution to the situation in Ukraine and for urgent attention to the critical needs of children affected by the worsening humanitarian situation.…
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50 NGOs warn of deepening humanitarian crisis in Somalia

Plan International, together with 50 international and Somali NGOs, have warned of the severe food crisis affecting the lives of 7.7 million Somalis.
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