
Including Children with Disabilities in Preschool Education

This report recounts the experiences of a project focused on adapting existing community preschools in Mozambique to be disability-inclusive and includes a set of practical recommendations for…
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Climate Change, Young Women and Girls

Vulnerability, impacts and adaptation in Northern Thailand. 
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Early Childhood Development, Gender Socialisation and Men’s…

This annotated bibliography seeks to update the knowledge base on early childhood development, gender socialisation and men's engagement. It provides a brief overview of the state of evidence…
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Sexual and reproductive health and rights

Plan International's policy position on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
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Our global approach to Programme and Influence

The world is changing and so are we. In 2017 Plan International adopted a new organisational purpose, theory of change and strategy that stretch our global ambition to contribute to reaching…
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Girls and Boys Needs Assessment – Lebanon

This assessment examines protection concerns affecting girls and boys aged 12-18 in Plan International’s programme areas in Lebanon. It looks at issues including child labour and child marriage…
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Protect Burundian refugee youth

This case study describes an innovative youth livelihoods project that was implemented in Mahama refugee camp, Rwanda, to strengthen the resilience protection of 400 young Burundian refugees…
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Adolescent Girls in Crisis: Voices of the Rohingya

This report focuses on the lives and experiences of the adolescent Rohingya girls living in refugee camps in Bangladesh since fleeing conflict in Myanmar.
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Adolescent Girls in Crisis: Voices from South Sudan

Conflict in South Sudan has displaced four million people. Seven million need humanitarian aid. We spoke to girls caught up in the crisis.
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Inclusive, quality education

This annotated bibliography seeks to update the knowledge base on inclusive, quality education by reviewing and compiling existing evidence and literature on this important topic.
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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

This annotated bibliography seeks to update the knowledge base on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of children, adolescents and young people through exploring recent additions…
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Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship

This annotated bibliography seeks to update the knowledge base on youth employment and entrepreneurship through compiling and reviewing evidence and recent literature on this important topic.…
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