
Support for LGBTIQ+ Adolescents

An evaluation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery supported Plan International project ‘Strengthening Plan International’s Support for LGBTIQ+ Adolescents’ (June 2016 – December 2019). The…
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COVID-19: Going Hungry

On 21 April 2020, the World Food Programme warned that, unless swift action is taken, some 265 million people worldwide, double the numbers from the previous year, face acute food shortages. …
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Overview: Protection from Violence

The Protection from Violence AoGD covers our work in child protection as well as our work to prevent and respond to family violence affecting children and violence against young women, particularly…
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Overview: Inclusive Quality Education

Our goal is to ensure vulnerable and excluded children – particularly girls – access and complete inclusive quality education from pre-primary to secondary level.
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Overview: Early Childhood Development

Our goal is to ensure vulnerable and excluded young girls and boys in development and humanitarian settings get the care, supports and services needed to survive, grow up healthy and develop…
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Overview: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Our goal is for children, adolescents and young people in all their diversity to have control of their lives and bodies.
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Overview: Skills and Opportunities for Youth Employment

How we're ensuring that vulnerable and excluded young people, especially young women, are resilient and are actively engaged in decent work of their choosing, be it waged or self-employed.
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Youth as Active Drivers of Change

Our goal: Adolescents and youth take collective action for systemic social and political change. In particular, we will support girls and young women to engage politically to shape how decisions…
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ASEAN and SAARC must put children’s rights at the heart of…

JOINT STATEMENT: Regional leaders must put children’s rights at the heart of their fight against Coronavirus
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Girls and COVID-19

COVID-19 and the efforts to suppress it will have an alarming impact on the lives and rights of girls and young women. Already treated as second class citizens in many countries, they are least…
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COVID-19 Response Framework

Our goal is to contribute to the prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 and reduce the social impact on the most vulnerable communities - particularly in refugee camps, displaced settings,…
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COVID-19: The Impact on Girls

The COVID-19 outbreak will deeply affect the environment in which children and young people grow and develop. Girls, especially the most marginalised, will be particularly affected by the secondary…
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