
OPEN Plan: June 2020

This edition of OPENPlan brings to you a selection of eclectic studies that display a breadth of thematic topics to showcase recent and innovative works from Plan International.
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Adolescent Programming Toolkit

The Adolescent Programming Toolkit has been designed to support frontline teams to work with and for adolescents in emergencies and protracted crises. It is based on programme evidence, numerous…
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Adolescent Girls in Crisis: Voices from the Sahel

This research was conducted with adolescent girls in the Sahel region where people struggle with a long, complex and violent crisis.
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Beijing +25 Toolkit

A guide to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) and how girl and youth-led groups can use it for advocacy.
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Periods in a Pandemic

How the current implications of COVID-19 is exacerbating challenges for people who menstruate around the world, plus recommendations on how to include menstrual hygiene management within COVID-19…
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Close to Contagion

Evidence shows that the impact of COVID-19 on displaced and refugee girls and women – on their health, safety and opportunities for education and decent jobs – is making already difficult…
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Asia and COVID-19

How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting girls in Asia? Hear from them in their own voices as girls and young women share some of their important needs and priorities while experiencing social…
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Living up to our Commitment

Girls and women are likely to be worst affected by the secondary impacts of COVID-19. The pandemic has the potential to derail and even reverse the gains made towards gender equality and girls’…
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Support for LGBTIQ+ Adolescents

An evaluation of the Swedish Postcode Lottery supported Plan International project ‘Strengthening Plan International’s Support for LGBTIQ+ Adolescents’ (June 2016 – December 2019). The…
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COVID-19: Going Hungry

On 21 April 2020, the World Food Programme warned that, unless swift action is taken, some 265 million people worldwide, double the numbers from the previous year, face acute food shortages. …
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Overview: Protection from Violence

The Protection from Violence AoGD covers our work in child protection as well as our work to prevent and respond to family violence affecting children and violence against young women, particularly…
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Overview: Inclusive Quality Education

Our goal is to ensure vulnerable and excluded children – particularly girls – access and complete inclusive quality education from pre-primary to secondary level.
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