Young LGBTIQ+ People and COVID-19

24 August 2020

Suggestions for understanding the unique needs, vulnerabilities and capabilities of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and questioning/queer people during the COVID-19 outbreak.

To address the exclusion of all vulnerable children and girls in society, it’s important to understand the unique needs, vulnerabilities and capabilities of young lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and questioning/queer people during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This infographic highlights some of the issues young LGBTIQ+ people may face during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Please see the Plan International briefing paper on young LGBTIQ+ people and COVID-19 for further detail on the challenges faced by young people who are LGBTIQ+ plus recommendations on how we can address these challenges within the pillars of the COVID-19 response.

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Categories: Emergencies Tags: COVID-19, LGBTIQ+
