The State of the World’s Girls 2013: Adolescent Girls and Disasters

Because I am a Girl: The State of the World's Girls 2013 – In Double Jeopardy: Adolescent Girls and Disasters

This report looks at what happens to adolescent girls in disasters and why. It shows how adolescent girls’ rights are being ignored before, during and after disasters, both in the urgency of a disaster response, and in the gaps between humanitarian and development work.

“I want someone who I can go to if there are problems. We should be able to tell our government that we need help, that we need shelter, food, jobs, school, places to wash privately. I want a way that I can be heard.”

Sheila, 16, Philippines

The seventh report in Plan International’s annual State of the World’s Girls series looks at what happens to adolescent girls in disasters and why. The report uses original research and interviews with girls, including survivors of disasters in the Philippines. It shows how adolescent girls’ rights are being ignored before, during and after disasters, both in the urgency of a disaster response, and in the gaps between humanitarian and development work.

The results show that listening to what adolescent girls have to say, ensuring both their rights and their needs are catered for, and strengthening their resilience, are key missing pieces of current humanitarian work.

Read the interactive version of the youth summary

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Youth Summary (Espanol)


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Campaigns, Emergencies, Child protection in emergencies, Disaster relief, Disaster risk management, Education in emergencies, Gender-based violence, Safeguarding
