
Hear Our Voices

Thousands of girls claim they are embarrassed and ashamed to express the everyday injustices and threats of sexual violence they face, in ‘Hear Our Voices’ - one of the largest studies of…
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LGBTIQ+ bullying in Thailand’s secondary schools

Bullying targeting secondary school students who are or are perceived to be transgender or same-sex attracted: Types, prevalence, impact, motivation and preventive measures in 5 provinces of…
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Gender in ECCD in 6 countries

This report summaries the results of studies undertaken by Plan International into the gender dimensions of early childhood development and of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) programmes…
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Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation

This toolkit is intended for use by practitioners and children working in participatory programmes, as well as by governments, NGOs, civil society and children’s organisations seeking to assess…
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Advocacy Toolkit: The Education We Want

This advocacy toolkit  has been developed for young people, by young people, to help children and youth to effectively advocate for their right to an education.
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Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones is a practical tool for facilitators to increase and encourage the involvement of children in their own protection.
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Learning toys production guide

This guide supports early childhood workers and parents to develop play and learning materials from low-cost, local and recycled materials in settings where there are limited resources.
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Parenting Impact Study in Lira, Uganda

This report describes the development, implementation and evaluation of a 12-session, community-wide, parenting programme implemented in Uganda to promote child health, growth and cognitive…
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Include Us!

This ground breaking report, produced in collaboration with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, reveals that children with disabilities in developing countries are being held back…
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Because I am a Girl

This report tracks the achievements and global impact of Plan International’s Because I am a Girl campaign in the year following its launch on the International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October…
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The State of the World’s Girls 2013: Adolescent Girls…

Adolescent girls’ rights are being ignored before, during and after disasters, both in the urgency of disaster response, and in the gaps between humanitarian and development work.
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Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Findings from a National Survey…

This survey by Plan International Bangladesh and icddr,b finds that a lack of education is strongly associated with levels of child marriage.
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