
OPEN Plan: December 2020

This edition of OPENPlan offers a selection of studies spanning an array of areas from economic empowerment, the climate crisis and disaster risk reduction, sexual and reproductive health…
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Global Review of 18+ Ending Child Marriage Programming

This brief contains information on the promising programming and influencing approaches from the 18+ Ending Child, Early and Forced Marriage global framework.
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Mobile Child Protection in Urban Settings

This case study describes the mobile child protection programming implemented in Bogota, Colombia, responding to the needs of migrants and refugees from Venezuela and other vulnerable people…
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Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programme Standards

A suite of materials outlining Plan International's comprehensive sexuality education programme standards. These standards comprise a comprehensive, human rights-based, sex-positive, gender…
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Impact of COVID-19 on Youth in the Lake Chad Region

The crisis affecting the Lake Chad Basin is one of the most severe humanitarian emergencies in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic will further impact people living in humanitarian contexts with…
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The Case for Holistic Investment in Girls

In this report, Citi Global Insights and Plan International argue that a comprehensive and fully-costed series of interventions allowing economies to attain 100% upper secondary school completion…
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Call For Law Reform

A Review of the Effectiveness of the New Legal Regime to Prevent Child Marriages in Bangladesh
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Cash and Voucher Assistance for Adolescents

During crises, the institutions, systems and community cohesion that normally support adolescent development break down. This report documents evidence and effective practices related to adolescent-focused…
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Cash Transfer and Child Protection

Cash Transfer and Child Protection: An integrated approach to address the needs of unaccompanied and separated adolescents in the Central African Republic
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Cash Transfer and Education

This report assesses Plan International's Tawasol: Learning for Coexistence Project in Egypt to understand its strengths and weaknesses, including implementation challenges and successes, risks…
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Becoming an Adult in Internal Displacement

Raising awareness on the need to include young internally displaced persons in plans to prevent and respond to displacement, to ensure adequate support for all and to make the most of the resilience…
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Halting Lives: The Impact of COVID-19 on Girls

This research report looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on girls and young women, with insights from over 7,000 girls across 14 countries.
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