Digital Birth Registration in Bangladesh

Digital Birth Registration in Bangladesh technical analysis study: strengthening CRVS in Bangladesh through the appropriate use of digital technologies
3 February 2020

This study will be a blueprint for an integrated programme specifically aimed at improving digital birth registration services across Bangladesh.

This study was commissioned by Plan International Bangladesh on behalf of the newly formed CRVS Secretariat under Cabinet Division to support the strengthening of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems in Bangladesh.  

The study has undertaken in three logically sequenced stages including as-is assessment, technical feasibility assessment and programme definition.  The as-is assessment, being the first of the three logically sequenced stages of the study, was conducted to document the current state of CRVS in Bangladesh and provide a holistic picture of the CRVS landscape. The as-is assessment covered an analysis of current civil registration business processes, barriers to registration, the existing legal and policy frameworks that support CRVS, existing CRVS initiatives and an assessment of the CRVS system landscape. 

The DBR technical analysis study is being undertaken at a time when the CRVS Secretariat is making concerted efforts to strengthen its CRVS system. 

Based on the DBR technical analysis findings, the output of this study will be a blueprint for an integrated programme specifically aimed at improving birth registration services across the country. The purpose of this programme is to prove the effectiveness and viability of the technology solution and programming approach, and to build the case for scale up to other vital events at a national level.

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Early childhood development, Technology for development
