Curriculum guide: Effective support for transition to primary school

Effective support for transition to primary school curriculum guide

This guide analyses the broad spectrum of factors that influence whether a child successfully transitions in to primary school.

The transition from pre-school to primary school is a critical passage in a child’s life. It is a time when children from high-poverty communities are especially at risk. Given the link between early achievement and later outcomes, difficulties during the transition from pre-school to primary school can set the stage for long-term academic problems and school failure.

This guide analyses the broad spectrum of factors that influence whether a child successfully transitions in to primary school and proposes a variety of options and strategies to achieve:

  • A child’s readiness to succeed in school
  • A family’s readiness to support learning in the home and the transition to school
  • Positive home and school relations
  • Primary school adaptations to support success in the early grades
  • Community safety nets to supplement family and school efforts (eg health and nutrition support, child protection and community outreach for children with disabilities).
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Early childhood development, Children with disabilities, Early learning
