Case Studies

Skills training transforms girl’s life

Sushmita has transformed her life thanks to skills training, and she is using her income to provide a better future for her family.
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Meet the girl activist preparing her community for disasters…

Nirmala is passionate about keeping her community safe when disasters strike. Through her work with Plan International Nepal, she is taking a lead in her community and sharing her knowledge.…
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The teenagers tackling human trafficking in Nepal

Roshani, 19, and her friends are preventing harmful trafficking in rural Nepal thanks to resource centres established by Plan International.
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Youth reporter campaigns against online violence

Rajyalaxmi is a passionate advocate for equality and uses skills gained in a Plan International-run youth reporters project to call for an end to discrimination and hold decision-makers to account.…
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Youth activist calls for an end to period stigma

Eighteen-year-old Swastika faced discrimination when she first started menstruating at the age of 12. Now she is taking a stand and asking why girls are treated differently to boys.
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“Nobody is safe from false news published online”…

Akriti is one of 62 girls who took over the roles of powerholders in their communities to highlight the impact of online misinformation on girls' lives.
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Girl becomes Mayor for a day to call for online safety

Sixty two girls took over the roles of 31 powerholders in their communities on International Day of the Girl to raise awareness of the importance of digital literacy.
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The Nepalese youth dispelling misinformation about the COVID-19…

Samjhana, 19, is supporting her community through the COVID-19 pandemic by volunteering for a Plan International-run response project.
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“My journey as a COVID-19 youth volunteer is life-changing…

Kreetisha, 18, is selflessly volunteering to support her community to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The female tour guide challenging gender stereotypes in the…

Following skills training, Shreya is now following her ambitions and is setting an example for other girls, proving they can move into male-dominated professions.
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Girls take over local governments in Nepal

Sixty-two girls are marking International Day of the Girl 2021 by taking over leadership positions in 31 local governments in 7 districts in Nepal to call for girls' and young women's freedom…
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Art is power: comics for activism in Nepal

Children in Nepal are making their voices valued and heard by exercising their creativity through comics.
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