Plan International Papua New Guinea

Plan International has been working in Papua New Guinea since 2015.

We work together with children, young people, supporters and partners to
strive for a just world where we are all equal. To do that we tackle the root causes of the challenges and inequalities that children and young girls face.

Violence against women is rife in Papua New Guinea; 68% of women in the country suffer physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner. The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections is among the highest in the world and with low literacy rates and low enrolment in secondary school, there are limited opportunities for young people to get jobs.

We support communities to increase their resilience to disasters and are currently responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our work also improves access to clean water and sanitation as well as promoting good hygiene practices. We also empower young people to take a leading role in their communities and support them to learn new skills and get good jobs.

Our work in Papua New Guinea is funded by Australian Aid under the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Our priorities include:

  • Supporting young people to make decisions about their futures.
  • Working in communities, schools and health clinics to improve access to sanitation and health and improve behaviours around hygiene.
  • Improving young people’s access to sexual, reproductive and maternal health information and services.
  • Building communities’ capacity to plan for and respond to natural disasters.
  • Tackling attitudes and barriers that cause violence against girls and women and hold them back from having a say in their futures.
  • Ensuring adolescent girls are prioritised by leaders so they have equal opportunities to thrive.

Where we work

Our address

Jerohi Service Station Building,

Section 15, 2nd Street,

Arawa Autonomous Region of Bougainville,

PO Box 228


A map showing where Plan International works in Papua New Guinea.

Key contacts

  • Roselyn Mantanung

    Country Programme Manager, Plan International Papua New Guinea