Plan International Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa

Promoting children’s rights and equality for girls in 15 countries across the region

Eunice, 18, is a member of the girls' football team in her village

Girls with their certificates of attendence at the first Arab Girls’ Summit in Jordan

Children play with building blocks at ECD centre in refugee settlement

Youth Savings and Loans Association meeting in Rukwa region

Esther, 18, teaches students about their sexual reproductive health

Girl takes photos for children's photography project at IDP camp

We work with children and girls in 15 countries to help create a world where we are all equal. To do that we tackle the root causes of the challenges and inequalities that children and young girls face.

The Middle East and Eastern and Southern Africa are facing a myriad of challenges including:

  • The effects of climate change
  • Complex emergencies resulting in conflict and displacement
  • A sharply declining civic space
  • A stagnation of economies

These factors have limited access to education, basic services, jobs and have caused an increase in abuses of girls’ rights.

We provide support across the region and coordinate multi-country emergency responses. We influence regional bodies and establish regional partnerships to increase our impact.

Two of our priorities in the region are ending child marriage and supporting girls in displaced settings. We are leading work in these areas across the region through programmes and influencing to create positive changes in girls’ lives.

We won’t stop until we are all equal.

Person, Human, sisters, food aid, south sudan

East africa food crisis appeal

Please help us provide vital aid to children and families affected by the food crisis in East Africa.

Our address

Methodist Ministries Centre, Block C, 2nd Floor, Oloitokitok Road, Lavington, Nairobi, Kenya, P.O. Box 14202 – 00800

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Key contacts

  • Evelyn Wambui, Regional Communications and Media Specialist, Plan International Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa
    Evelyn Wambui

    Regional Communications and Media Specialist, Plan International Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa

  • Maurice Onyango

    Regional Head of Disaster Risk Reduction, Plan International Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa

  • Roger Yates, Executive Director, Plan International Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa
    Roger Yates

    Executive Director, Plan International Middle East, Eastern and Southern Africa