How we are financed

We are Plan International; we work with children and girls in over 80 countries to help create a world where we are all equal.

Our life-changing global work to advance children’s rights and equality for girls is only possible thanks to our many supporters, both individual, corporate and institutional. Without that support, we would be unable to support lasting changes for children and communities.

Trust and transparency is very important to us. We are committed to ensuring that all information about how we raise, spend and protect our funds is clear and accurate.

Plan International’s accounts are independently audited in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, which require us to comply with ethical requirements and ensure accuracy in our financial statements.

How we raise funds

Our 21 National Organisations – from Canada to Japan, and India to Colombia – raise funds. We have 2 main income sources: child sponsorship and grants (donations from institutions and corporate donors). The remaining funds come from other sources such as disaster appeals.

All our National Offices are independently audited and registered with the appropriate agencies of their country operations. They are required to follow the highest level of certified fundraising standards of their country, and these audited financial statements are available from them.

In 2022-23, Plan International’s global income was €1.1 billion.

How we spend our funds

The funds we raise are allocated to the countries where we run programmes. Some of these countries also raise funds for work in their own country.

In 2022-23, we spent €1.1 billion on our programmes and the operations that make that work possible.

How we keep our funds safe

We are accountable to the people and organisations who generously support us. We take the risk of fraud, bribery and corruption very seriously. All organisations face such risks but we have measures to prevent fraud and investigate incidents when they come to light.

Our goal is to ensure that the maximum possible proportion of our funds reach the children and communities whose futures we are working to transform.

We have a Counter Fraud Unit dedicated to preventing, detecting and investigating fraud. This team investigates and resolves each case of fraud that has been reported or identified. This involves recovery of lost funds wherever possible, an analysis of how each instance of fraud can be avoided in future and measures implemented to ensure this is the case.

We have a Global Anti-Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy. This applies to all our staff members, volunteers and partners we work with.

All staff can use a confidential external reporting service where they can raise concerns about misconduct. Staff also receive training in fraud awareness and prevention from the Counter Fraud Unit.

We work with other international development organisations to identify and reduce the risk of fraud.

We encourage anyone who witnesses or suspects fraudulent behaviour to raise a concern.
