Case Studies

It takes a village: ending FGM by creating new rituals

Rural communities in Guinea are creating new rituals that bring together the whole community with the aim of abolishing female genital mutilation (FGM), for good. 
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Stand with girls against trafficking

Girls are being trafficked within Nepal and across the border into India, every day. They’re being forcibly taken, coerced, targeted by men posing as boyfriends, sold by family members and…
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Rohingya girls speak out

Rohingya girls displaced by conflict in Myanmar tell us their hopes, fears and needs.
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Jemma’s journey to the world’s largest refugee camp…

Jemma* tells the story of her journey from the conflict in South Sudan to the world's largest refugee camp, Bidi Bidi in northern Uganda. 
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Delivering education to Nigeria’s displaced children

Mobile learning centres allow girls like Fatima to follow their dreams, despite being displaced by conflict.
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Busting period taboos and fighting child marriage in Bangladesh…

Lucky was married at 14. Now she is empowering girls to stay in school and become financially empowered, all while busting menstruation taboos!
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My first period

Confined indoors for 7 days, banned from using salt in food and made to miss school classes, girls speak out about the stigmas and difficulties they faced when they got their first period.
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What does the SmartUp Factory do?

See how over 3,500 young people from Uganda have learned new skills and gained opportunities thanks to the innovative SmartUp Factory.
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Health app helps teens avoid pregnancy

A new smartphone app is helping combat teenage pregnancy in Timor Leste by providing teenagers access to sexual and reproductive health services and information. 
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4 steps to advance digital equality for girls

If the digital world grows without the input and participation of girls and women, we risk leaving them even further behind. This is our 4-step guide towards digitally empowered girls.
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Boys are becoming gender equality allies

Boys across Latin America are embarking on a process of self-discovery. They're learning to identify their privileges and understand the part they can play in helping achieve gender equality. …
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8 Safety Demands from City Girls

Girls have a right to feel safe and be safe where they live and learn. So we listened to girls’ concerns and experiences and created an 8 point action plan for safety in cities.
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