Case Studies

Aminata speaks out against gender-based violence on national…

With fears that COVID-19 has led to a global increase in gender-based violence, youth activist Aminata joined a round table discussion on combating early marriage and child abuse on national…
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Keeping girls in education through COVID-19

Alama and 1,252 other young students from 46 PASS+ centres in Mali have received a learning pack so they can continue their education, as well as raise awareness about the prevention and protection…
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COVID-19: New livelihood helps family cope and feed community…

Savings groups and skills training from Plan International are helping this family in Vietnam cope with the changing situation - as well as providing food to their community during the COVID-19…
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COVID-19 threatens girls’ sexual health and rights

It's time for action, say Sabina Pokhrel, SheDecides 25x25 Generation of Change Young Leader and AB Albrectsen, CEO of Plan International.
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The effects of the COVID-19 on the economy of families of girls…

Tatiana (13) lives in Playas, south of the coastal region of Ecuador. She, like many girls and boys, lives in the company of her family in voluntary isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Helping girls manage their periods during COVID-19

The Girls' Advocacy Alliance are distributing sanitary protection door-to-door to girls in Kibera settlement, Kenya.
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COVID-19: Sexual and reproductive health needs must be prioritised…

Girls and young women have the right to sexual and reproductive health services, despite government restrictions of movement. Advocate Lucilene, 16, from Mozambique shares her fears for girls…
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Feeding more than 56,000 displaced people across Borno state…

Following the outbreak of coronavirus in Nigeria, Plan International has been taking steps to provide critical support to vulnerable displaced communities through food distribution as prices…
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Woman struggles to provide for family amid food crisis

Fostina from Zambia describes the daily struggle she faces to provide food for her family in the face of drought and unpredictable rainfall.
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Skills to succeed for India’s young women

An innovative training programme is helping thousands of young women from Delhi’s slums to get good jobs, break down preconceptions of what women can do,and become financially independent.…
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Why FGM should be abolished

Activists and survivors speak out against female genital mutilation (FGM).
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Smart schools bridge digital gender divide in Latin America

Girls are challenging the stereotype that technology is ‘for boys’ by learning digital skills in ‘classrooms of the future.’
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