Case Studies

What does the SmartUp Factory do?

See how over 3,500 young people from Uganda have learned new skills and gained opportunities thanks to the innovative SmartUp Factory.
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Health app helps teens avoid pregnancy

A new smartphone app is helping combat teenage pregnancy in Timor Leste by providing teenagers access to sexual and reproductive health services and information. 
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4 steps to advance digital equality for girls

If the digital world grows without the input and participation of girls and women, we risk leaving them even further behind. This is our 4-step guide towards digitally empowered girls.
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Boys are becoming gender equality allies

Boys across Latin America are embarking on a process of self-discovery. They're learning to identify their privileges and understand the part they can play in helping achieve gender equality. …
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8 Safety Demands from City Girls

Girls have a right to feel safe and be safe where they live and learn. So we listened to girls’ concerns and experiences and created an 8 point action plan for safety in cities.
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Smashing gender stereotypes with ‘Sheboard’ app

Discriminatory language and gender stereotyping have a profound impact on girls' confidence, agency and expectations for the future. Revolutionary new app, Sheboard, is helping smash the stereotypes…
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7 ways to end FGM

Female genital mutilation is a violation of girls' and women's human rights. We must work together to end FGM.
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Being poor should not be an obstacle to my dreams

Érika is the brightest girl in her school. She's even waiting to hear whether she's been offered a scholarship to study abroad. More than anyone, Érika knows that for girls to fulfil their…
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16 ways to end violence towards girls

Drawing on 80 years of work with some of the world's most at-risk girls, we've put together a list of some of the most effective ways to tackle violence towards girls and women. 
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#MeToo, girls and normalised violence

The #MeToo movement has highlighted normalised abuse and harassment violence in the developed world. Our latest research sheds light on how these issues affect young people across the globe…
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Safe schools save lives

A Plan International safe schools project in Rangpur, Bangladesh shows how the classroom can be an effective place to begin strengthening resilience across the whole community. On International…
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Beacon teachers work together to keep children safe

School is like a second home for many children. This is why a team of teachers, known as the Beacon Teachers Movement, are working together to keep children safe both at school and home.
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