How to be a leader in your community

Eighteen year old youth activist Angie offers up her advice on how to be a leader in your community.

To be a youth activist and run a successful campaign you must be a good leader.

Angie from Ecuador is a leader in her community. In this video she gives her top tips on how to be an effective leader.

YouTube video

Angie’s top tips on how to be a leader in your community

  1. Know your community: Know the problems that are affecting your community so that you can formulate a plan for creating change.
  2. Seek allies: Seek out people who can help you make the changes you want to see.
  3. Trust yourself: Know who you are and trust in your abilities to create positive change.
  4. Break stereotypes: Don’t let the way people may perceive you and your cause stop you from campaigning for what’s right.
  5. Meet people: Have frequent meetings with decision makers in your community so that you can track the changes happening.
  6. Always be positive: Despite any drawbacks that you might face remain positive. Know that you are trying to create positive change in your community and remain optimistic about what you can achieve.
  7. Believe in change: Together we can make change happen. You need to believe in yourself and the positive changes that can be made when allies work together.