
Amplifying youth voices on sexual health and rights in radio…

Girls have been sharing their learnings from our sexual and reproductive health and rights programming on the radio in Benin.
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Gaza 100 days on: Stop the War on Children

Children never start wars, but suffer the most, blogs Dr Unni Krishnan as we reach 100 days of war in Gaza.
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Youth leaders call for gender equality and education at COP28…

Three youth advocates give their perspective on climate action, gender equality and education; and their hopes for COP28.
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Embracing diversity through inclusive education

Laxmi reflects on learning as a girl with a disability and shares her thoughts on the next steps to building an inclusive education system.
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Gaza and Israel: A ceasefire is the first step to give children…

Plan International’s Global Humanitarian Director calls for compassion and ceasefire, to prevent the death of more innocent children.
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Struggle and resilience of people fleeing violence in Sudan

In South Sudan, civilians who have fled conflict in Sudan struggle to pursue a better future, writes Omar Sabry, Deployable Humanitarian Policy & Advocacy Specialist.
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Breaking Barriers: empowering adolescent girls through SRHR

A discussion on the critical importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights to achieving equality, between Tiwonge from Zambia and Stephen Omollo.
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Fund feminist activists, open spaces to youth and let girls…

Youth activist Thuba gives her reflections on UNGA78 and advice on how to include youth and girl activists to achieve the 2030 agenda.
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The SDGs are failing girls – it’s time to act

We urgently need action and investment towards gender equality, education and the environment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
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World must take action for Haiti

This World Humanitarian Day, Anaëlle Canez reaches out for urgent support to prevent Haiti reaching the point of no return. 
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How can young people claim Equal Power Now?

This International Youth Day, Nyasha and Keiver ask Plan International CEO, Stephen Omollo, how they can claim Equal Power Now!
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The world must wake up to hidden refugee crises

Stephen Omollo, CEO, and Enzo Mauro Tabet Cruz, Forced Displacement Advisor discuss the hidden refugee crises that affect girls' lives.
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