We believe that our vision can be achieved even more effectively by working with others.
Plan International provides a safe and inclusive workplace where staff and associates are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.
Plan International is committed to fostering a positive working environment for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other differences.
To create an enabling and safe workplace, we are adopting the principles of feminist leadership to promote diversity and equality in the workplace. This recognises the structural inequalities within workplaces that contribute to discrimination and uncovers the root causes of power abuse and how it manifests itself.
Examples of our work on internal culture include:
Our Values and Behaviours Framework highlights that equality and inclusion are integral to how we work together.
Our Code of Conduct clearly outlines and regulates the conduct expected of all staff, regardless of location and context in which they work. We have a zero-tolerance approach towards discrimination, bullying and/or harassment (including sexual harassment).
Our Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Policy includes the preventive and response measures we apply as well as mechanisms to deal with workplace misconduct:
We take allegations of harassment, bullying and discrimination seriously and respond promptly and with sensitivity to every complaint.
Plan International Inc participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme which supports the sharing of information about misconduct between recruiting organisations and previous employers. The scheme aims to stop abusers moving within and between development and humanitarian organisations.
Annual Report on Workplace Culture – 2020