Young, Woman and Unemployed

Young, Woman and Unemployed: The Triple Challenge – Youth Economic Empowerment in developing and emerging countries

This report analyses why women are the first victims of economic instability and proposes measures to mainstream gender at all stages of youth economic empowerment programmes.

Young women are the first victims of economic instability throughout the world. They represent the majority of the 628 million young people aged 15-24 who have neither a job nor an education.

This report highlights situations experienced by the most vulnerable young women in terms of accessing decent employment or self-employment in developing countries. Working from a grid analysis and field experiences, it also shows how to mainstream gender at all stages of youth economic empowerment programmes.

Since 2009, Plan International has been piloting a programming approach and a holistic model for vocational training and youth economic empowerment. This approach has become what Plan International calls “The Youth Economic Empowerment approach” (YEE) approach. This report enriches that approach by showing how it can be gender mainstreamed.

The report analyses the main gender inequality figures in terms of youth economic empowerment and shows the importance of multi-player partnerships as a lever to overcome these challenges. It also presents the YEE approach and proposes entry points to mainstream gender at all stages of the methodology and offers political decision makers and cooperation stakeholders some recommendations on mainstreaming gender in youth economic empowerment programmes and policies.

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Campaigns, Skills and work, Vocational training
