Rapid Gender and Needs Analysis in Marsabit
This analysis was conducted to assess the impact of severe drought on community members in Marsabit County, Kenya.

Severe shortages of food and water continue to worsen in Marsabit County due to multiple and consecutive failed rain seasons. The drought has caused low food production and widespread livestock deaths, leading to increased malnutrition among community members.
Girls and women at increased risk of abuse
As families seek the food and water they need to survive, girls and women are facing an increased risk of abuse and harmful practices such as child marriage. The drought and hunger crisis have also seen school attendance rates drop and many girls and women are struggling to manage their periods.
This rapid gender and needs analysis was carried out to assess the impacts of severe drought and understand how it affects communities in Marsabit County, Kenya.
The findings are being used to direct Plan International’s humanitarian response in Marsabit County and influence key stakeholders including national and county governments and donors to tailor their responses to meet the specific needs of affected communities.
The analysis identified glaring humanitarian needs. Although the humanitarian response should focus on lifesaving interventions to help families feed themselves and meet their critical needs in the short term, they must be integrated with activities to keep girls and women safe as they face increased risks.
A related gender and needs analysis was also carried out in Kwale County.
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Summary Report
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Categories: Emergencies, Protection from violence