
Child marriage in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Around two thirds of women aged 20 to 24 marry before the age of 18, despite the minimum legal age being 18 for females.…
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Child Marriage in India

Almost half of all girls in India marry before the age of 18. This study explores the factors contributing to child marriage in India and examines the impact of Plan International’s initiatives.…
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Act to Adapt: The Next Generation Leads the Way

This report reviews Plan International's Child-Centred Climate Change Adaptation (4CA) programme, a 3 year project which took place from 2011-2014. The project aimed to build the awareness of…
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A Girl’s Right to say no to Marriage

Despite being prohibited by international human rights law and many national laws, child marriage continues to rob millions of girls of their childhood. Plan International's report sets out…
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The State of the World’s Girls 2012: Learning for Life…

Acritical look at the state of girls’ education. Behind the success of global parity in primary education enrolment lies a crisis in the quality of learning.
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Curriculum guide: Strengthening families for better early childhood…

This curriculum guide provides support for a 6-step parenting education programme for low income families that can be adapted to the local culture and that reflects parents’ goals for their…
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Curriculum guide: Community managed early learning programmes…

This curriculum guide provides guidance to support parents, community early childhood and development (ECD) promoters and others to provide quality, community-based early learning opportunities…
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Curriculum guide: Effective support for transition to primary…

This guide analyses the broad spectrum of factors that influence whether a child successfully transitions in to primary school.
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Enhancing Child Protection Through Early Childhood Care and…

This manual provides a training guide for use with staff who work directly with children and parents in early childhood development projects.
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The State of the World’s Girls 2011: So, What About Boys?…

Far from being an issue just for women and girls, gender is also about boys and men, and this needs to be better understood if we are going to have a positive impact on society.
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The State of the World’s Girls 2010: Digital and Urban…

With a focus on the boom in city populations and the explosion of IT and communication technology, we look at the prospects and perils facing girls.
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The State of the World’s Girls 2009: Girls in the Global…

This report warns that failing to send girls to school costs the world's poorest countries billions of pounds each year. 
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