Miniguides: Adolescent-Responsive Cash and Voucher Assistance

Resources to help practitioners effectively use cash and voucher assistance to achieve protection, education, and wellbeing outcomes for crisis affected adolescent girls and boys.

Aïssata, 18, with the crushed ginger she will use to make juice to sell
Aïssata, 18, Mali, with crushed ginger she will use to make juice to sell.

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) has gained momentum as a viable conduit in humanitarian settings to provide adolescent-responsive programming supporting their protection, education, and well-being.

The resources shared below were developed by Plan International and the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), to help practitioners effectively use CVA to achieve protection, education, and well-being outcomes for crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys (10–19 years).

Download the guides:

1. Good Practice Brief


1.50 mb

2. Needs Assessment


8.71 mb

3. Response Analysis


2.83 mb

4. Design


3.94 mb

5. Implementation


2.36 mb

6. Monitoring


6.28 mb

7. Evaluation


6.62 mb
