
Surge in violence against girls and women in Latin America and…

Widespread lockdowns have resulted in horrific conditions where victims of violence and abuse have no one to turn to and nowhere to go.
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Girls in Somalia subjected to door to door FGM

Girls in Somalia, forced to stay at home due to COVID-19, are now undergoing Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in their homes.
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Millions trapped between hunger and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe and…

Zimbabwe and Mozambique are facing an imminent catastrophe as millions of vulnerable people in both countries are now trapped between hunger and coronavirus.
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Long-lasting consequences of COVID-19 for girls will be abuse…

Research into previous humanitarian crises suggests without urgent action, the long-lasting consequences of COVID-19 for girls worldwide will be abuse, neglect, fear and hunger.
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COVID-19: Girls in Lebanon left struggling for food, sanitary…

The pandemic is compounding the effects of Lebanon’s worst economic crisis in years as girls battle hunger and risk of violence.
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10 ICU beds for 1.2 million: COVID-19 catastrophe looms in Cox’s…

Fear is spreading through the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, as a potentially devastating COVID-19 catastrophe looms.
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Open letter: Leaders must protect children during COVID-19

Six leading child-focused NGOs have joined forces to demand concrete actions from governments to protect children during the COVID-19 crisis
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Appeal for €100 million to protect children from COVID-19…

Millions of children, particularly girls, are at grave risk of harm as the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to devastate their education and health and leave them at risk of abuse. We're appealing…
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Guide to talking to children about COVID-19

Plan International Australia has launched a guide to help parents and carers navigate difficult conversations with children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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UN’s COVID-19 response must reach girls, women and refugees…

The United Nation’s COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan shows clear commitment to helping some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Now, funds and relief efforts must reach…
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Vulnerable groups must be supported in COVID-19 responses

Plan International is calling on governments to consider vulnerable groups as they respond to the spread of COVID-19.
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World still a violent, highly discriminatory place for girls…

More girls are going to school and staying in school than ever before, but remarkable gains in education have made little headway in helping shape a more equal, less violent environment for…
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