
Deploying teams in Philippines to areas worst hit by Super Typhoon…

Plan International has deployed teams to assess the extent of damage and immediate needs of families in areas hardest hit by Super Typhoon Goni.
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Online lies leave one in five girls fearing for their safety…

False information online has left one in five girls (20%) feeling physically unsafe, according to The Truth Gap, a new report by Plan International.
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We must uphold Afghan girls’ right to an education

As schools reopen in Afghanistan, Plan International is disturbed by the news that many girls are not being allowed to return to secondary school.
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Kabul bomb blasts: Children must be protected

Plan International offers its deepest condolences to all the families affected by the senseless multiple bomb blasts at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.
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Haiti earthquake: assessing needs of children and families

Following a devastating earthquake in Haiti over the weekend and the arrival of Tropical Storm Grace just days later, Plan International is working urgently to assess needs in communities which…
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Solidarity with the girls and women of Afghanistan

We call on the international community to act in solidarity with the girls and women of Afghanistan and uphold all international obligations.
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UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issues…

Today's IPCC report highlights the stark reality of the climate emergency, but it comes as no surprise.
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Donors fall short of education funding target

Developing countries step up to fund girls’ education at global summit, while donors fall short of target.
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82% of young people don’t know how their government is tackling…

In a new survey released today, young people have told us clearly that they are fearful for their future and want to shape the policies and decisions that will define them.
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Bold commitments to adolescent girls at Generation Equality…

Plan International is proud to have made a set of 30 commitments across all six Action Coalitions at the Generation Equality Forum today. 
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Girl activists meet with Facebook platforms to tackle online…

Facebook has invited girl activists to share ideas for creative campaigns raising awareness of how to report abuse, as part of ongoing efforts to tackle online-gender based violence.
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Facebook, Google, TikTok, Twitter pledge to tackle online abuse…

Plan International welcomes commitments announced by Facebook, Google, TikTok and Twitter at the UN Generation Equality Forum to tackle online abuse.
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