Case Studies

Young people work together to help end child marriage

Plan International held an inaugural youth conference in Zambia in September 2018 to provide a platform for young people across eastern and southern Africa to come together to discuss how to…
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Former sponsored child provides skills training for children…

Michael, 27, from Kwale Country, Kenya, is a former sponsored child with Plan International. Now, at the age of 27, he is working alongside Plan International to improve the lives of children…
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The young women taking on male-dominated professions in Kenya…

Meet Kenya’s next generation of welders and electricians. They’re all young women who are forging a new path, proving that stereotypes shouldn’t stand in the way of anyone’s ambitions.…
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The Maasai warriors committed to ending FGM

In Kenya, a new generation of Maasai warriors are speaking out against the harmful practice of female genital mutilation.
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Drought response helps 11,000 children stay in school

During droughts children are often pulled out of school by their parents. Our school feeding programme is providing children with meals, keeping them in school and keeping them safe.
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School children hit by food crisis in Kenya

Plan International is providing food and water to primary schools in Kenya affected by the food crisis to help children concentrate and stop them from dropping out.
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Water helps children grow fruit and boost community’s…

Children from a community in Kenya are growing fruit orchards and staying safe thanks to a water supply which means they no longer have to rely on collecting water from a crocodile-infested…
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Good sanitation keeps girls in school

In Kwale County, we're supporting schools to build toilets that cater for girls' needs so they aren't forced to miss school during their periods.
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Fatherhood: A case of positive parenting

We are running fathers only parenting sessions for men to meet and discuss issues affecting their children so they can become better parents.
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Vital supplies for families hit by food crisis

Plan International is providing urgent supplies and lifesaving humanitarian support to families hit by the food crisis in Kenya which is affecting children’s health and ability to go to school.…
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Kenyan elders call for an end to FGM

This series of photos shows how leaders of Kenyan communities are campaigning to keep girls safe as part of a project that aims to eradicate FGM in Africa within a generation.
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I now have a clear understanding of my rights

Peres dropped out of school after getting married and giving birth, and she also suffered abuse from her husband. However, now she is back in school and learning skills thanks to Plan International…
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