This is the Future Girls Want

What is the future girls want to see? What should change in order to make the world a better place for girls and young women – for everyone?

Body Part, Finger, Hand
Will you listen to the younger generation?

Girls have spoken

To ensure their voices are heard, adolescent girls and young people aged 15-24 from around the world developed the Girls’ Pact for the Future sharing their concerns with the current state of the world, their vision of a positive future with gender equality at its heart, and clear and actionable recommendations for policy makers to achieve gender equality.  

Girls – have your say!

What needs to change? What is the world you want to see?

Let us know on social using the hashtag #FutureGirlsWant or #LeSouhaitDesFilles or #FuturoParaEllas

This is the Future Girls Want.

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