Raise a concern

We are Plan International; we work with children and girls in over 80 countries to help create a world where we are all equal. We have zero tolerance for corruption, sexual harassment, abuse, discrimination and other forms of unethical or illegal behaviour.

We encourage anyone who witnesses or suspects such behaviour to raise their concern with us so we can take appropriate measures.

How to raise a concern

You can contact Plan’s Global Hub directly at reporting@plan-international.org and our Global Assurance Team will respond directly to your message.

You can also raise concerns anonymously through the Safecall portal or email address (plan@safecall.co.uk).

We encourage anyone with a concern to contact our Global Assurance Team so we can handle cases as thoroughly as possible while ensuring the confidentiality of the whistleblower.

If open reporting is not possible, we encourage whistleblowers to provide a detailed written description of their concern to Safecall.

What happens when you raise a concern?

When you raise a concern, your message will be dealt with as quickly as possible. It will be handled in accordance with our global policy on values, conduct and whistleblowing and our whistleblowing policy which detail the standards that we expect from everyone at Plan, and how we support our staff and stakeholders to speak up about unacceptable behaviour and wrongdoing.

After your concern has been investigated, you will receive feedback on the outcome of the case.

Is it safe to raise a concern?

We commit to taking care of whistleblowers and anyone related to the concern raised. We have a particular responsibility to protect those who raise concerns and make sure they can do so without fear of retaliation or reprisals.

We ensure any concerns raised are handled in a fair, respectful and effective manner. Whistleblowers help us improve as an organisation and ensure we are accountable to our donors, staff members and the children and programme participants we serve.

Ethical guidelines and related information
