Accountability: Policies and Commitments

We are Plan International; we work with children and girls in over 80 countries to help create a world where we are all equal. We recognise our duty to be as effective and efficient as possible and to be accountable to all our stakeholders.

Accountability to the children and programme participants we were founded to support is at the heart of Plan International’s global strategy, All Girls Standing Strong. Plan International cannot achieve its mission without being open and honest towards our donors, staff, children and programme participants we serve. Our aim is to take full responsibility for the way we work, the decisions we make, and the impact we have by reporting on both our successes and our mistakes, and learning from them. 

Policies supporting accountability

Plan International’s policies support and promote transparency at all levels of our organisation and ensure we uphold the needs and meet the expectations of all our stakeholders, in particular the children and programme participants we exist to serve.

Plan International’s clear and unequivocal Global Safeguarding Policy makes sure no child or programme participant who is associated with Plan International comes to any harm. Find out more about our approach to keeping children and programme participants safe.

Our Global Policy on Values, Conduct and Whistleblowing and our Whistleblowing Policy detail the standards we expect from everyone at Plan International, and support our staff and stakeholders to speak up about unacceptable behaviour and wrongdoing.

For staff or stakeholders who don’t feel able to report malpractice to relevant Plan International management there is an independent, confidential reporting mechanism. It is provided by Safecall, via a secure web portal at and by email:

We encourage anyone who witnesses or suspects unethical behavior to raise their concern with us so we can take appropriate measures.

Our Global Policy on Preventing Sexual Harassment Exploitation and Abuse (PSHEA Policy) ensures that all staff, Associates and visitors understand the importance of preventing Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse and their responsibility to ensure that they, their behaviour and work does not result in Sexual Violence or Harm against a child, programme participant, a member of staff, Associate or visitor.

Plan International has a zero tolerance policy for bullying, discriminatory behaviour and sexual harassment. This is set out in our Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Policy. Grievance procedures are set out in our Grievance Policy.

Plan International’s Global Anti-Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy applies to all our staff members, volunteers and partners we work with. Find out more about our approach to financial transparency and accountability here.

Our commitments to accountability

  • Plan International is a founding member of Accountable Now, a global platform to promote accountability in civil society organisations. We have signed the 12 Accountability Commitments and seek to be transparent, responsive to stakeholders and focused on impact. Our most recent Accountability Report is published on the Accountable Now site with feedback from the Independent Review Panel.
  •  The management and operations of Plan International’s central organisation have been independently assessed by the International Committee on Fundraising Organisations (ICFO), and found to be in compliance with ICFO standards.
  •  Plan International adheres to the Sphere Project’s Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response.
  •  Plan International is externally verified by the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability. Audits appear here.
  •  Plan International is a member of CHS Alliance – a global network of development and humanitarian assistance agencies which promotes good practice in the management and support of aid personnel.
  •  Plan International is a member of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) – a global network that brings together human rights, humanitarian and development non-governmental organisations as an advocacy alliance for humanitarian action.
  •  Plan International is a signatory to the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, and has agreed to comply with the 10 principles of the Code.
  •  Plan International is an affiliate member of the Institute of Risk Management and is bound by its Code of Conduct.
  •  Plan International has been assessed by the One World Trust, and was ranked in the top 3 non-governmental organisations for good accountability practices. The One World Trust will regularly include Plan International in its rolling programme of assessments.
  • ​Plan International has consultative status with Unicef (United Nations Children’s Fund), and Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation).

Downloadable resources

2023 Gender Pay Gap Report for Plan International’s UK-based Global Hub

2024 Gender Pay Gap Report for Plan International’s UK-based Global Hub
