Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Gender inequality and discrimination against girls mean they are often robbed of the right to make their own life decisions – from what happens to their bodies, to when and to whom they marry.
Teenage pregnancy can rob girls of their potential by ceasing their education and giving them adult responsibilities. An estimated 18 million adolescent girls give birth every year.
Ensuring girls’ and young women realise their right to sexual and reproductive health and have control over their lives and bodies are critical to achieving gender equality.
We work with partners around the world to enable access to quality sexual health services, and eliminate harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and child, early and forced marriage.
Access to SRHR services
Young women have grown tired of patriarchal control of female sexuality and are demanding a say on their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
LGBTIQ+ inclusion
Every young person, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves safety, and equal access to opportunities and services.
Child marriage
Child marriage has been an area of focus for Plan for many decades. We carry out programmes and influencing work globally to end the practice.
Teenage pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is a global issue but most often occur in poorer and marginalised communities.
Female genital mutilation
Find out about Plan International's work to end female genital mutilation (FGM).
Tackling the stigmas around menstruation and supporting girls to manage their periods so they can feel confident and focus on their education.
Comprehensive sexuality education
Learn about comprehensive sexuality education and find out about Plan International's work in this area.
Say it Out Loud – Sexual Wellbeing Matters
Listening to young people's voices on sexual wellbeing and consent – what this means for sexual and reproductive health and rights influencing and practice.
Maybe we can talk about this next time we meet?
Join two friends as they discuss stories on, and reflect on their own experiences, of sex, relationships and consent.
Plan International is pleasure positive!
Having endorsed the Pleasure Principles, we are testing how to implement sex-positive SRHR approaches across varied contexts.
Periods don't stop during emergencies
Girls' ability to manage their menstrual health is worsening due to the hunger crisis. Sofiana,13, from Haiti and Hamda, 15, from Somalia share their stories.
Young people's perspectives on sexual wellbeing and consent
Exploring young people's perspectives on sexual wellbeing and consent, with implications for sexual and reproductive health and rights policy and practice.
Mothers stand strong against female genital mutilation
Mothers are saying no to female genital mutilation to prevent their daughters and the next generation of girls undergoing the practice.