
Global Policy on Gender Equality and Inclusion

Achieving gender equality, promoting gender justice, realising girls’ rights and fostering an inclusive society are core objectives of our work as an organisation dedicated to child rights…
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Real Choices Real Lives: Climate Change and Girls’ Education…

Insights into the experiences of girls in Benin, Togo and Uganda on how climate change impacts girls' education, and how this intersects with existing gendered barriers to education.
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Climate Justice: Loss and Damage Finance for Children

This report identifies opportunities for financing to address the negative impacts of the climate crisis on children.
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For Our Futures: Youth Voices on Climate Justice and Education…

30 youth activists from Indonesia, Nepal and Australia worked together to find out how climate change is impacting girls’ education and what change they want to see.
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Supporting refugee girls to thrive

Plan International's policy brief for the Global Refugee Forum.
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Youth Employment and Enterprise Programme Evaluation 2018-2022…

Key findings from the global meta-evaluation of our Skills and Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (SOYEE) programming.
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Real Choices Real Lives: Climate Change and Girls’ Education…

Learn from girls directly about their experiences of climate change, how it affects their education, and their recommendations for mitigation and adaptation.
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COP28 Policy and Advocacy Brief

Global action on climate change remains insufficient in the face of the scale of the crisis.
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Turning the World Around

Insight from over 1000 participants into what it's like to be a girl or young woman activist leading the fight for equality today!
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Understanding Young Women’s Pathways to Economic Empowerment…

An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Rural Communities in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nepal.
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Child protection mainstreaming briefs

Child protection is the responsibility of all humanitarian actors. Briefing package on mainstreaming protection in all humanitarian sectors.
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Adolescent Girls in Crisis: Research Series

The Adolescent Girls in Crisis is a series of research reports capturing the voices and experiences of adolescent girls in protracted crises.
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