OPEN Plan: June 2020

OPEN Plan: Volume 5 | Issue 2 | June 2020
26 June 2020

This edition of OPENPlan brings to you a selection of eclectic studies that display a breadth of thematic topics to showcase recent and innovative works from Plan International.

This issue of OPENPlan has a focus on good methodological practice and offers a range of insights useful for informing areas of future research, programmatic and emergency response. 

  1. The first study looks at the climate challenges faced by different young women and girls in Northern Thailand.
  2. The second study evaluates the effectiveness of ‘soft’ conditional cash transfers as part of an approach to improve household resilience and keep children safe in the Central African Republic.
  3. The third report offers a globally focused, desk-based review designed to enhance understanding on the intersections between humanitarian crises, gender, age and education. 
  4. The final study looks at a multi-country project to reduce maternal and child mortality among vulnerable women and children.
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Categories: Early childhood development, Emergencies Tags: Child protection in emergencies, Climate change, Disaster relief, Disaster risk management
