Climate Change: Focus on Girls and Young Women

19 September 2019

This paper sets out Plan International's policy position and recommendations on girls and climate change.

Plan International understands the urgency of taking climate action. This paper sets out the organisation’s policy position on climate change, identifies areas where Plan International can add value and provides position statements on key issues.

It is evidence-based and draws on Plan International’s own experience of working on climate change programmes and influencing. 
The paper provides an introduction to what climate change is and how it affects our work. It connects children’s rights and specifically girls’ rights to national level climate policies and their implications. It gives an in-depth exploration of 3 areas that are often excluded from global and national climate strategies and where Plan International can provide added value: 

  • education,
  • the just transition to a green economy,
  • girls’ voice and leadership. 
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Categories: Emergencies Tags: Climate change
