
Responding in Syria after devastating earthquakes

Plan International is working urgently to assess the needs of the hardest-hit communities in north-west Syria.
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Solidarity with children and families in Syria and Türkiye

We are concerned for children, particularly girls, and their families following devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.
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Girls and women risk becoming “invisible” victims of global…

Girls and women are suffering gender-based violence more frequently as a result of global food shortages, according to latest research.
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New media award recognises women and girls leading change

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Plan International are partnering with One World Media to celebrate underreported stories.
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Somalia nears famine

Famine is projected n parts of Somalia between April and June 2023 unless humanitarian assistance is urgently scaled up.
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We’re responding to needs of children affected by Java…

The needs of children affected by the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that hit West Java, Indonesia, must be prioritised in response efforts.
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Statement on the COP27 Loss and Damage Fund

A historic moment - the result of years of effort from developing countries and their youth pushing for gender, intergenerational and climate justice.
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G20 must not delay in addressing the hunger crisis

A severe hunger crisis is worsening by the day and girls are among those the most affected. G20 member states must act immediately.
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INGOs sign pledge for more equitable aid system by 2030

Pledges made for closer partnerships with local and national organisations to shift power, decision-making and money to the places worst affected by crisis.
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Plan International condemns human rights violations in Iran

We strongly condemn the grave violations of human rights taking place in Iran and the death-in-custody of Mahsa Amini.
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We must protect girls’ rights in hunger crisis

Recognising that food is a human right is a vital step in supporting girls affected by the global hunger crisis.
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Girls’ rights gains ‘slow, fragile and unequal’…

A girl growing up today is more likely to face human rights violations than 10 years ago, according to new analysis by Plan International.
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