How to be a gender equality and LGBTIQ+ ally

Gonzalo is both a gender equality and LGBTIQ+ activist. In this video he explains how the causes can support each other.

Gender equality and LGBTIQ+ rights activists have a lot in common. These groups must work together in the fight for equality.

Salvadorian campaigner Gonzalo shares his experiences as an LGBTIQ+ and gender equality activist and explains how we can all support each other for an end to discrimination.

YouTube video

Gonzalo’s top tips for how to be a gender equality and LGBTIQ+ ally

  1. Find common ground: Gender equality and LGBTIQ+ issues have a lot in common, one of which is fighting gender roles imposed by a patriarchal system.
  2. Support other rights groups: We must have empathy and we must understand each other, and the different causes people are fighting for. By understanding them, we are supporting them.
  3. Recognise your privilege: Recognise that boys and men have privileges that woman and girls have not been able to enjoy. Turn these places of power into spaces to fight discrimination.
  4. Get organised: Get together a group of friends and learn about gender equality. Understand the issues and then you will know how you can help.
  5. Stay safe: Safety contexts will be different depending on countries. Find out the risks of speaking out about gender equality and supporting the LGBTIQ+ community.
  6. Don’t give up: Don’t stop until EVERYONE has the same rights.