Case Studies

Life for girls in Renk, South Sudan

Over 560,000 people have crossed from Sudan into South Sudan as a result of conflict. Here's what girls told us about life at the border crossing in Renk.
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Girls in the shadow of war: Ukraine’s hidden mental health…

Two years on from the escalation of conflict in Ukraine, 4 young women speak about the impact the conflict has had upon their mental health.
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Anna stands firm against FGM!

The strength to say no: one girl's journey to resisting forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM).
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Exceeding limitations: H’mong girl leads change in her community…

Fifteen-year-old Dung leads change in her indigenous community as she works to eliminate early, child and forced marriage.
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How is aid being delivered to Gaza?

An explainer on the aid trucks going into Gaza from Egypt, the critical need for essential supplies and how it crosses the border.
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Learning through play helps girls’ education and development…

Five-year-old Anna wants to be a doctor since she started learning through play at her new pre-school.
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Mothers learn positive parenting skills together

Kunta says joining the parenting group was one of the best decisions she has made.
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How Ruth’s business supports her family

Ruth, a refugee from South Sudan, wanted to help her family, so she joined a business training programme. Today, she is the proud owner of a successful small business
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Young people learn digital skills for a better future in Bangladesh…

Young people in Bangladesh are learning digital, handicraft and marketing skills so they can set up successful businesses.
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The hopes and dreams of Tigray’s displaced children

Displaced children describe their favourite things to do at their local child-friendly space and share their aspirations for the future.
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Girls on the frontline of flood resilience

Youth leaders Aires and Catherine are working to ensure that young people and their communities are prepared for weather-related emergencies.
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Mothers stand strong against female genital mutilation 

Mothers are saying no to female genital mutilation to prevent their daughters and the next generation of girls undergoing the practice.
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