How to become a youth activist

Nohelia has been an activist since the age of 5. She shares her top tips on how to become a youth activist in this video.

Nohelia is a leader in her Peruvian community. She was class president six years in a row and went on to be school mayor.

She’s been standing up for girls’ rights and tackling gendered issues since she was five. Now, she wants to share her tips on how to become a youth activist with you.

YouTube video

Nohelia’s top tips on how to become a youth activist 

  1. Work with partners: To be an activist leader, it is important to have partners because they are the ones who will support you. Your partners could be governments ministers, regional and province organisations, teachers or even your parents.
  2. Take on responsibility early: Begin your activist career by taking on the responsibility of something small. This could be something like become class president of your primary school. This will give you a leadership foundation to build the rest of your activism around.

Inspire others to be activists: Young girls and boys can achieve anything if they participate, if they are active and if they are aware. Show others what can be achieved as an activist by leading by example.  
