How to be an anti-racist ally

Girls’ rights can’t be achieved unless racism is overcome. Be an active anti-racist ally by using these resources to educate yourself and stand up against racist violence and injustice.

Girls and young women have long been involved in protesting injustice in the USA and beyond.
Girls and young women have long been involved in protesting injustice in the USA and beyond.

Plan International is dismayed and deeply saddened by the deaths of Black Americans in police custody, police brutality and authorities threatening the right to assemble.

Plan International exists to further girls’ rights and sees racial justice as a critical and crucial component of justice for girls. Racial justice and gender justice for girls are inextricably linked and one cannot exist without the other. We cannot achieve equality for girls, without achieving equality for Black girls.

“In A Racist Society, It Is Not Enough To Be Non-Racist, We Must Be Anti-Racist.”

Angela Davis

The deaths and nationwide protests in the USA are nothing new. Racial injustice is an issue that has been campaigned on for decades in the USA and beyond, often by young people and specifically young women and girls.

Whether it implies living in fear of police profiling, fearing for their family members’ safety, receiving fewer leadership opportunities or being held back by unjust societies, systemic racism has an enormous impact on girls’ development and everyday lives everywhere.

The importance of intersectional feminism

To do our best work as gender equality campaigners we must consider how multiple experiences affect girls’ and women’s lives. To fight for equality for girls we must ensure equality for all girls. 

This is why Black girls and women won’t enjoy equality and justice if the rights of their wider communities are not also defended and ensured. Racial justice for Black and minority communities of the world is one and the same as gender justice for girls.  

We condemn all racist violence

Plan International unequivocally condemns all racist violence and stands against discrimination against Black communities and racial injustice everywhere. 

Now is the time to demand systemic change by supporting those at the forefront of this movement to end violence, oppression, inequity and inequality.

As such, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, Black girl and women protestors, and allies who are organising and taking action against racial violence and injustice, we have compiled the following list of resources. 

Use them to educate yourself on the issues and be an active anti-racist ally.

Please note: Plan International is not responsible for the content of other sites.


How do I talk to my kids about racism? 



Resource lists by anti-racist groups

Take action



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