Monika takes over the ministry

Monika, a student from Kalikot, took a leap from the school desk to the minister's chair, taking up the position of Social Development Minister of Karnali Province for a day. Her journey reflects the boundless potential and power of young leaders.

Monika joining her hands and greeting after taking over the position of the Social Development Minister of Karnali Province.
Monika stepped into the role of the Social Development Minister of Karnali Province. ©Plan International

Imagine a world where the voices of young girls are heard, their opinions valued, and their potential recognised. Monika, an extraordinary 17-year-old from Kalikot, recently stepped into the shoes of the Honorable Social Development Minister, Khadak Bahadur Pokharel, for a day. This symbolic act was part of the “Girls Takeover” event, a groundbreaking initiative that empowers young girls to take the lead and make decisions that can change the world for the better.

Lifelong commitment to gender equality

Monika’s story isn’t just about being a minister for a day; it’s a lifelong commitment to ending child marriage, advocating for gender equality, and breaking the chains of harmful social norms. Her tireless efforts are not limited to this one event; this event is a testament to her dedication to creating a more inclusive and equitable future.

Monika said, “In my community, I’ve witnessed the heavy chains of stereotypes that have constrained the potential of girls and young women. I’m determined to break those chains, to empower our generation, and to pave the way for a brighter, more equal future. Together, we can challenge harmful gender norms, uplift one another, and create a world where every girl can thrive and lead without limits.”

Monika represented over 1000 girls from the Karnali Province, as she assumed the role of Social Development Minister, Khadak Bahadur Pokharel, at the Ministry of Social Development, Karnali Province.

The “Girls Takeover” event is a platform that provides a unique opportunity for girls and young women to step into critical roles, like ministers and leaders, allowing them to explore the challenges and responsibilities that come with these positions.

Stepping stone

Monika and her sister sitting together and holding sanitary pads.
Monika is with her sister holding sanitary pads at her school. ©Plan International

Monika recently completed her schooling at the local community school, a stepping stone on her journey to achieving her dreams. But her story is not limited to the pursuit of academic excellence. It’s a story of a young girl determined to make a difference, to break down barriers, and to challenge the status quo.

Monika is not content with things as they are. She passionately advocates for gender equality, raising her voice against child marriage, and challenging the harmful social norms that persist in her community. Her actions are a testament to the transformative power of youth-led initiatives. Monika’s spirit isn’t confined to serious matters alone. She’s also a dancer and singer, demonstrating that joy and determination can coexist. In a local talent competition, she secured the second position, showcasing her resilience and talent.

Monika added, “I want to end child marriage, challenge gender discrimination, and work towards a society that values the rights of children and empowers girls and women.”

Monika is an active participant in the Champion of Change programme, facilitated by Plan International Nepal. Champion of Change seeks to empower girls and young women to be catalysts for change in their communities.

“I want to end child marriage, challenge gender discrimination, and work towards a society that values the rights of children and empowers girls and women.”


Girls Takeover

Monika is sitting on the chair and the minister is standing in front of the banner.
The Social Development Minister, Karnali Province handed over her role to Monika for a day. ©Plan International

Monika’s day as Social Development Minister was filled with interactions and activities. She engaged with the ministry’s personnel, observed different sections, and met government officials. Through these experiences, she gained valuable insights into the responsibilities of a minister and the inner workings of the government. Moreover, Monika met with key officials like the Chief of the Social Development Section, Anita Gyawali, and Education Officer Balbir Sunar, to discuss the department’s responsibilities and its impact on the community.

Monika expressed, “Girls Takeover is a unique opportunity that empowers girls and young women, placing them in decision-making roles. It helps us understand the challenges we face better.”

At Karnali Province, the girls takeover event was organised in collaboration with the Social Development Ministry, designed to empower girls and young women to actively participate in decision-making processes, advocate for gender equality, and end harmful social norms.

The Social Development Ministry played a vital role in supporting the Girls Takeover initiative. This event allowed the ministry to give young girls like Monika a platform to raise their voices and be part of the decision-making process. The ministry provided guidance and an opportunity for these girls to understand and participate in various aspects of governance, helping them to develop leadership skills, self-confidence, and a sense of empowerment. This collaborative effort between Plan International Nepal and the Social Development Ministry aims to challenge and change gender stereotypes and social norms, making it a step toward a more equitable society. It encourages girls and young women to actively engage in driving change and advocating for their rights.

Monika’s vision

Monika used her day as Social Development Minister to champion inclusive, quality education, advocate for girl-friendly health facilities, and challenge the harmful gender stereotypes that persist in the Karnali Province. Her vision for the future is clear: she’s creating an environment where girls and young people can lead and decide for their rights.

Monika’s journey is not just about one day as a minister; it’s a lifelong mission. Her commitment to change, her dedication to a brighter future for girls, and her resilience in the face of adversity are truly inspiring.

She said, “I want to become a nurse and provide non-judgmental sexual and reproductive health services to girls and young women while ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.”

Monika’s story is a compelling narrative of transformation, determination, and resilience. She embodies the very spirit of Champion of Change, showing us that change starts with a single step, and that step can come from anyone, regardless of age or background. It’s a reminder that there are no limits to what we can achieve when we dare to dream and act.
