Harmonising diplomacy and youth advocacy for a brighter future

Bimu, a 16-year-old active girls’ rights advocate in her community, transformed into Finnish Ambassador for a day. She used the opportunity to advocate even further for gender equality and the end of harmful practices, and she is a talisman for the power of youth-driven change.

Bimu sitting in a chair and Riina-Riikka Heikka, Finnish Ambassador to Nepal posing with her.
Bimu with H.E. Riina-Riikka Heikka, Finnish Ambassador to Nepal during Girls’ Takeover. ©Plan International

Bimu, a 16-year-old gender equality and girls’ rights advocate known for her heartfelt singing, important messages, and community advocacy, took part in the Girls Takeover event for International Day of the Girl, where she became the Finnish Ambassador for a day.

Bimu’s learned about the important connections between Nepal and Finland, guided by Ambassador H.E. Riina-Riikka Heikka. Together, they realised that global challenges are interconnected, and collaboration is the key to making positive changes.

Championing change through music and advocacy

Bimu uses music to advocate for change. Her music, especially her poignant piece “Deuda,” is more than just a melody; it is a powerful message of gender equality and a call to end child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM). Her music has touched hearts, sparked inspiration, and ignited a desire for change within her community.

Bimu is also aspiring to a career in law, driven by her commitment to eradicating child marriage and other harmful societal practices in her country. Her pursuit of justice and equality isn’t confined to the legal realm; she actively engages in various awareness activities like performing street dramas and door-to-door campaigns within her community, tirelessly advocating for a brighter and more equal future.

Bimu says, “Every young person has the power to drive change and create a more equitable world. Our voices, dreams, and determination are the colours that paint this masterpiece of hope, justice, and equality.”

Bimu is a dedicated member of Plan International’s Champions of Change (CoC) programme. CoC works with children, youth, and communities to shift the agenda towards gender equality.

“Our voices, dreams, and determination are the colours that paint this masterpiece of hope, justice, and equality.”


Being the Finnish Ambassador

Bimu stepped into the shoes of Finnish Ambassador H.E. Riina-Riikka Heikka, who warmly welcomed her into the role. Bimu felt a sense of excitement and responsibility as she took on this new position, representing not only herself but also the hopes and dreams of countless young girls across her nation.

Before the event, Bimu had the privilege of meeting Ambassador Heikka. Their encounter was marked by warmth and friendliness, setting the tone for a memorable day. The ambassador, aware of Bimu’s accomplishments, extended her support and encouragement.

This event marked Bimu’s first visit to the capital, Kathmandu. Ambassador Heikka, showing genuine interest in her journey, recommended various places to visit and encouraged Bimu to share her experiences with her. Despite the language barrier, their connection transcended words, and the ambassador clearly understood Bimu’s dedication to gender equality and girls’ rights.

A shared commitment

During their conversation, Ambassador Heikka expressed her interest in Jumla, a place she had never been to. Bimu invited her to visit her village and meet her fellow Champions of Change members, who are equally committed to their campaign against CEFM. The ambassador’s desire to observe their campaign firsthand was a testament to the impact Bimu had made through her music and advocacy.

After the Girls Takeover event, Bimu became an inspiration in her community. People in her district and nearby areas really looked up to her. When she came back, everyone welcomed her warmly and with a lot of respect.

“As an ambassador for a day, I learned that diplomacy is not just about negotiations and agreements; it’s also about forging connections, understanding diverse perspectives, and amplifying the voices of the unheard.”


Bimu added, “As an ambassador for a day, I learned that diplomacy is not just about negotiations and agreements; it’s also about forging connections, understanding diverse perspectives, and amplifying the voices of the unheard.”

Insights into diplomacy and collaboration

Under the guidance of H.E. Riina-Riikka Heikka, Bimu learned about the world of diplomatic relations between Nepal and Finland, gaining invaluable insights into shared priorities and collaboration opportunities between the two nations.

Finnish Ambassador talking to Bimu.
The Finnish Ambassador shared the information on the diplomatic relationship between Finland and Nepal. ©Plan International

Ambassador Heikka shared Finland’s passionate support for Nepal in three key areas:

  • Inclusive and quality education: Finland is committed to promoting accessible and high-quality education for all, a crucial pillar in building a brighter future for Nepal.
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene: the importance of clean water, proper sanitation, and hygiene for public health and overall well-being is a priority, demonstrating Finland’s dedication to sustainable development.
  • Gender equality and social inclusion: here Finland’s ambitions mirrored Bimu’s own mission. The ambassador emphasised the importance of equality and inclusion for Nepal’s progress.

As Bimu absorbed these insights, it helped her further understand the importance of empowerment, passion, advocacy, and youth-driven initiatives in unleashing the potential of girls.

Reflecting on her experiences, Bimu shared, “My journey as an ambassador reinforced the idea that diplomacy is not reserved for a select few; it’s a tool that can be wielded by anyone with a vision for change and a passion for justice.”

A bridge to the European Union

Bimu and EU team looking into the flags of 27 countries.
Bimu and EU ambassador Veronique Lorenzo observing flags of 27 countries. ©Plan International

Continuing her journey as an ambassador, Bimu visited the European Union. There, she met with EU Ambassador Veronique Lorenzo and Eloisa, the deputy head of cooperation. Bimu and the diplomats exchanged knowledge and ideas, which highlights the power of global connections and the possibilities for change that come from amplifying the voices of young people.

Bimu’s journey, from a passionate advocate in a small town to ambassador for a day, is a testament to the power and possibilities of youth-driven change.
